Cognitive Computing



Coglet technology is an example of applied neurobionics.

Interaction instead of reductionism

Process control paradigms to date have functioned according to reductionist principles, with data being broken up into numerous individual processes, each constituting a logical and significant unit in itself. Based on this reductionist logic, there is also the expectation that the stringing together of sub-processes will result in a logical and useful overall process. While this expectation is fulfilled, not always the best or the simplest solution approaches result. The reductionist approach also becomes increasingly difficult or even unmanageable if the number of influencing factors involved becomes too great and the amount of resultant interactions becomes too extensive. Reductionism moves from the detail to the whole, running the risk of becoming increasingly detached from reality.

Accordingly, SOFTMARK AG is introducing a different approach with Coglets, one which is based on neurophysiological specifications. The brain does not function in a reductionist, detail-oriented manner, but has a systemic concept-oriented approach. This makes it capable of anticipatory behavior, meaning that it is able to foresee future developments with considerable accuracy. The first step is the definition of a basic overall framework and the respective goals to be achieved, without committing to target achievement strategies from the outset. Paradoxical, non-useful solution approaches are also accepted initially as a deliberate path towards innovation.

What is important is getting to know all of the interactions between the factors involved and taking them into consideration in order to find the optimal overall solution. Knowledge of the complicated interactions and the ability to distinguish the relevant from the less relevant interactions provides for competent mastery of the task at hand. In this case Coglets take over the function of identifying, describing and assessing the effect of the appropriate interaction profiles using their own cognitive competence. While this task used to be solely that of the user, as cognitive software agents Coglets take the initiative and provide the appropriate performance.

Target achievement strategies with control cycle management

Going beyond the ability to identify and represent relevant interactions, Coglets also have anticipation-optimizing abilities, particularly for the conception and the implementation of target achievement strategies. The detailed planning in Coglets does not take place a priori, but derives almost automatically from the knowledge of interaction profiles and influencing factors a posteriori, without the user having to intervene actively from the outside. The implicit fundamental principle is based on control cycle management, where impulses in complex interactions communicate with one another and lead to highly efficient control scenarios. The appropriate target achievement strategies are devised by the Coglets in advance and proposed to the user for activation.

Coglet software architectures

The neurobionic approach taken by SOFTMARK provides interesting insights for the resultant software architectures. The important terms in this context include flooding, the multi-polarity of perception (systemic perception enhancement), the conscious acceptance of non-primary meaningful associations, paradoxes of control cycle management, as well as excitatory summations and/or inhibitory potentials etc. In order to be able to develop the appropriate architectures, a developer first needs a profound knowledge of neurophysiological concepts. In order to be able to develop the appropriate software, he needs to be familiar with the advantages as well as with the disadvantages and risks within the functionality of human cognition.

The measurability of use

All SOFTMARK systems are developed according to these neurobionic principles. We have invested years of research, especially in the optimization of algorithms with cognitive competence, in the implementation. The use of these systems produces outcomes which are surprising in many cases, sometimes producing paradoxical results, but which are particularly convincing in their performance. Coglets are practical applications whose use is measurable in terms of neurobionics.

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